Weston's second set of stitches. Follwing in his brothers footsteps. Both boys now have had 2 sets of stitches on their face. Hopefully the last we go to the ER!
Uncle Brian got Russ into the BSU football camp this year! Russ was one of the youngest kids. Russ loved every second of it! He enjoyed the drills, games, and being on the blue turf. He was on the same team as his cousins Devin and Dane. They were the "Sabercats". The camp was intense and challenged the kids to work hard and to "come out of the stance shooting like you have a pair of sixes in your hands" ... a bit different approach than I had to take with T-ball. Thanks Uncle Brian!
T-mobile company picnic is always a great time. The Bills Boys first tug o war. They also participated in the leaky bucket race and limbo competition. We had the picnic this year out at Boise Outfitter Ranch. A great setting of an old western town just down the road from the call center.
We slipped down to spend the weekend with Rory and Natalie. We had a lot of fun getting caught up with them and seeing their family. A highlight of the trip was playing Rock Band on the wii. Too bad we missed the picture of all of us jamming to Bon Jovi ... we got boo'd off the stage a few too many times, but a great time. We also had a great time together in the Dinasour Musuem and Jumpin Jacks.
Fun at the Rino's! Who needs to go to a water park, when you can make your own. The boys were exhausted and quickly crashed in the car when we left. They played hard with thier cousins.
Lagoon was a blast. We hit the amusement park and the water park. We were pleasantly surprised with our Lagoon experience as it was more than our expectations. We went with the Harsin's and enjoyed the two days at the park.
The boys simply love hanging out with their friends Gage and Bailee Goodwin. It has been a great summer being back in Boise and living close to the Goodwins. It is guaranteed good time when we hang out with the Goodwins.
Cute kids!! We miss you guys!
HEY Cody! Finally! We were just mentioning yesterday, how much we missed you guys, and Michelle said how much she missed Weston because he liked her so much! We miss that cute hugger! Looks like you are having a great time, and the pics are really cute! Keep up the postings!
Yeah! Welcome to blogland. Love the pics.
Yea! The boys have gotten so big!Miss you guys!
Yeah--you are on the blogger world! I sure miss talking to you!
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